Home / Amy’s Story

My Legacy

Root2RiseFarms isn't just about championing a greener world. For me, it delves much deeper – it's about forging a lasting legacy. Many pass down their tales and values through their children. But I never had that chance. My only brother, my sole sibling, was destined to be that legacy.

However, 2022 had other plans, and in a blink, he was gone. With his unexpected departure, a significant piece of my family and my heart faded away, leaving a void that's hard to explain.

This farm became my anchor. It's not just about nurturing plants but weaving memories, fostering connections, and crafting a sanctuary of belonging. Here, I aspire to create family through community with those that visit, stay and share a meal on the farm. One where stories intertwine and where bonds deepen. While the trees we plant will certainly stand tall, it's the narratives and memories shared that truly engrain themselves in this soil. Your story, your essence, might offer the comfort someone seeks in their moments of despair, just as the hope of this farm has been for me.

Christopher, this farm is dedicated to you. Every day, every moment, your absence weighs on my heart, but I know your spirit lingers here, intertwined with every leaf and branch. I hope I've made you proud. Forever and always, Your Big Sis.

Isaiah 61:3.